Thursday, January 5, 2012

Musings of the intrepid sort

Intrepid: not just a car. By definition it means to be bold, courageous, daring, dauntless. I have spent the majority of my adult life trying to live a life as such. Along the way I have met with people who have frowned upon this train  of thought. Apparently there are those out there who expect all of us at some point to fall into routine, to want the things that they want, and anything outside of their personal norm is considered irrational and adolescent. I can't abide by that. Recently, I was informed that someone I cared for considered me to be ridiculous for living in my own way. This person referred to me as "still fighting the man", and "not living like a grown up", someone that should never have children. Of course, I took this very personally at first. It hurt to be thought of as such a failure in someone elses eyes. However, the more time has passed and the more I have reflected on the source of these criticisms the more I am realized that they were unfounded by pure ignorance. This person truly knew nothing about me.

For the record, I am not still "fighting the man". I have better things to focus my life on. I simply choose to not give this mysterious "man" any influence to my life. As for children, well, should that ever be part of my life journey I think the simple fact that I have given the matter thought, care, and reflection is a sign that I will be more than a good parent. Books don't make good parents, good people make good parents. But I digress.

In the manner that I am accustomed to, up until the last year and a half, I have decided to move on from my current situation. It is time that this bird flies south, in a sense. I have been here in Rapid City, South Dakota for eighteen months. I have met a handful of amazing people that I am proud to say are friends. I have been a part of a beautiful community and for a short while thought that perhaps I had found a place to settle and call home. Ah, but that was not to be. Home truly is where the heart is, and as my emotions were attached to a particular person here, thus my heart was settled. With that no longer the case, I have found my heart flying back to Arizona. Back to people and places that I did not even know I missed

It is time to travel again. It is time to start fresh but still have roots. I am thrilled to find myself again, to be the girl I was and hit the pavement running. Ah, I tried this settled life, I truly gave it my all. But we can't fight who we are, we can't be what others expect of us.

"Space travels in my blood, but there ain't nothing I can do about it,
Long journeys wear me out, but you know I can't live without it."

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